The warm weather has finally settled in for good in Northern CA, and it feels great to get out doors and be active! It’s also a terrific time for spring cleaning. This blog post offers a number of ways to involve your plumbing into this time of cleansing.
Repair It or Replace It?
If you’ve had to battle with a leaky faucet that just won’t stop dripping or a toilet that refuses to flush without proactive involvement, it’s time to weigh the costs vs the benefits. Often times simply replacing your fixture with a new, efficient, professionally installed unit will pay for itself many times over in the long run. That’s why we offer lifetime warranties on all new installations: we do work that lasts a lifetime.
Clean Up Your Energy Bill
Give your spring season a boost with a new tankless water heater. There’s no better way to go green and save on energy bills at the same time. Our energy star rated units are eligible for tax rebates and are all backed by our standard lifetime warranty. Call today to schedule your free in-home consultation and find out how you can go tankless.